When you get off the boat, go toward the end of the pier. When you come at the end of big pier, go right for about 30 meters (see the photo).

You will pass by the Restaurants "Scuba" and "El.Ni.Ro." on your left side. Right after those restaurants, there is Turistička zajednica Rovinj and the Restaurant "Porta Antica" (see the photo).

Right before the restaurant you will see some stairs. Go up these stairs and straight ahead until you come to some other stairs on the left side. Go up these stairs and then in front of you on the right side you will see the Restaurant "Balbi" (see the photo).

When you come at the end of the restaurant terrace, go left in Grisia Street. Then you will come to the Restaurant "Adria" on your left side (see the photo).

Now you have to go right in the street (see the photo) and continue straight ahead for about 30 meters. On the left side you will see a sign for Elim agency. Go up this street and on the left side you will come to ELIM AGENCY!

If you can't find our agency or got lost, please call us on the phone numbers given to you.