When you get off the bus, go right toward Carera street (see the photo).

Go down Carera street until you come to the end of it (at the end you will see two pillars raising from the ground which prevent car traffic).
After those pillars, go a little bit further and on the right side you will see "Turistička zajednica grada Rovinja" and the Museum (red building) on the left side (see the photo).

Pass the building from "Turistička zajednica grada Rovinja".

After passing the building from "Turistička zajednica grada Rovinja" turn right and continue straight.

You are now on Garibaldi road. Follow the road for about 30 meters and you will come in front of a building
with a writing RIBARNICA & PESCHERIA (see the photo).

Turn left and go up the cobbled street for about 30 meters (see the photo).

At the end of the street turn right.

You are now on the intersection of a few streets.
On the left side is a Cafe Batel and on the right side you have 3 streets. Go up the first one on the left if you are looking from Batel.
(see the photo)

At the corner, at your left side you will see ELIM AGENCY sign, continue a bit more straight. When you come to the sign turn right and go straight ahead.

Go up this street and turn left.

First doors on the left side are from the ELIM AGENCY.

If you can't find our agency or you got lost, please call us on the phone numbers given to you.